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Trade (West Indies)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper: Index to ledger (1688 - 1755)
1.1.1755,31.8.1755 LLL
1.10.1692,1.10.1693 C
1.3.1691,29.2.1692 A
1.3.1692,1.10.1692 B
1.4.1688,1.4.1689 A
1705,1705 K
1706,1706 L
1707,1707 M
1709,1709 O
1710,1710 P
1711,1711 Q
1712,1712 R
1713,1713 S
1714,1714 T
1718,1718 Y
1720,1720 AA
1721,1721 BB
1723,1723 DD
1724,1724 EE
1725,1725 FF
1727,1727 HH
1728,1728 JJ
1729,1729 KK
1730,1730 LL
1731,1731 MM
1732,1732 NN
1733,1733 OO
1734,1734 PP
1735,1735 QQ
1736,1736 RR
1736,1736 SS
1740,1740 VV
1741,1741 WW
1742,1742 XX
1743,1743 YY
1744,1744 ZZ
1745,1745 AAA
1746,1746 BBB
1747,1747 CCC
1749,1749 EEE
1750,1750 FFF
1751,1751 GGG
1752,1752 HHH
1753,1753 JJJ
1754,1754 KKK
19.2.1702,19.6.1702 G
19.6.1702,1703 H
2.10.1690,3.3.1691 D
31.3.1689,2.10.1689 B
8.12.1694,7.12.1695 A
8.12.1695,8.8.1696 B
8.2.1700,8.2.1701 E
8.2.1701,19.2.1702 F
8.8.1696,8.8.1698 C
8.8.1698,8.2.1700 D