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The legal system and legislation (West Indies)
Sheriff of Christiansted: Registers of probate letters concerning burghers and planters (1736 - 1790)
1736 - 1742
1739 - 1742
1742 - 1748
1743 - 1744
1747 - 1754
1747 - 1782
1752 - 1755
1755 - 1761
1755 - 1762
1757 - 1761
1760 - 1761
1760 - 1766
1762 - 1777
1763 - 1765
1764 - 1769
1765 - 1770
1765 - 1770
1766 - 1770
1767 - 1776
1770 - 1776
1770 - 1776
1770 - 1776
1771 - 1772
1771 - 1772
1772 - 1773
1772 - 1774
1772 - 1774
1772 - 1777
1773 - 1776
1776 - 1781
1779 - 1783
1779 - 1783
1781 - 1782
1782 - 1787
1786 - 1790