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Accounts (West Indies)

Archive Contents
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts Accounts of Christiansted harbour and pilot service (1824 - 1917)
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts Accounts of the Land Treasury: St. Thomas (1758 - 1865)
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts Annotations and receipts for the Sheriff's accounts (1768 - 1820)
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts Annotations to the Regimental Quartermaster's accounts (1759 - 1782)
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts Annotations to the Sheriff's accounts of unpredictable fines and other incomes on St. Croix (1755 - 1760)
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts Auction books (1755 - 1854)
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts Customs accounts (1755 - 1917)
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts St. Croix ledger (1755 - 1917)
Audited Accounts, West Indian Accounts St. Thomas and St. John ledger (1755 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounting note books I (1847 - 1901)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounting note books II (1843 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounting note books III (1845 - 1899)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounts from the Special Commissioner's Office of the former Danish West Indian Islands (1919 - 1920)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounts of improvements of St. Thomas harbour (1864 - 1870)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounts of the special commissioner's office (1914 - 1925)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounts of the St. John and St. Thomas Police Fund (1865 - 1868)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounts of the West Indian Recruitment Office (1906 - 1910)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Annual statements of State Treasury revenue and expenditure, sent to the Ministry of Finance from the islands (1854 - 1916)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Book of wisdom: Assets belonging to public funds in West India (1870 - 1916)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Budgets (1856 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Cash accounts of the West Indian Recruitment Office (1857 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Copies of the quarterly reports from the government concerning military expenses defrayed by the colonial treasuries (1858 - 1871)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Correspondence regarding bills of exchange (1853 - 1885)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Credit certificates (1849 - 1891)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Direct and indirect taxes (1817 - 1906)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Draft letters (1851 - 1906)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Index to submitted colonial accounts (1870 - 1900)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Land treasuries and colonial treasuries (1828 - 1897)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Lists of the payments received and made via the colonial account (1856 - 1915)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Local taxes (1904 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Miscellaneuos records (1848 - 1930)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Monthly balance sheets of the colonial treasuries (1880 - 1903)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Mortgage debts of the St. Croix plantations (1849 - 1891)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Payments received and made in the Treasury in the government's West Indian budget (1907 - 1925)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Payments received and made in the Treasury's colonial account (1892 - 1921)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Plantation owners' debts to the Danish State Treasury (1850 - 1891)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Requisitioning files (1875 - 1904)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Requisitioning files (1885 - 1914)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office St. Croix customs case (1848 - 1918)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office St. John customs case (1851 - 1860)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office St. Thomas customs case (1818 - 1916)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office The Lund vs. Hansen bill-of-exchange case (1866 - 1885)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office The slave emancipation, as enacted by an ordinance of July 27, 1847  (1847 - 1853)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office The State Treasury's West Indian revenue and expenditure (1848 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Transcripts of cadaster of taxable buildings (1853 - 1900)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Unpredictable incomes, St. Croix (1865 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Unpredictable incomes, St. Thomas (1860 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, West India Warehouse keeper Correspondence concerning shipments of goods (invoices) (1849 - 1918)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office Index to the colonial auditing office's copybook (1841 - 1850)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office Index to the colonial auditing office's journal (1841 - 1850)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office List of documents transferred to various administrative archives relevant to the West Indies (1848 - 1848)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office List of letters (1841 - 1852)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office Measures introduced because of the emancipation (1848 - 1848)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office On the commission appointed to investigate the West Indian government officials' conditions on the emancipation in 1848 and the trial of Governor-General Peter von Scholten (1848 - 1848)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office Report by C. F. Ohsten, acting customs inspector on St. Thomas  (1848 - 1848)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office Requisitioning cases concerning the West India Warehouse (1847 - 1848)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office Statements of account for the Danish West Indies (1840 - 1848)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office The colonial auditing office's copybook (1841 - 1850)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office The colonial auditing office's journal (1841 - 1850)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office The colonial auditing office's journal files (1841 - 1849)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office The Directorate for the national debt and sinking fund's statements of account concerning West Indian revenues settled with the Chamber of Customs and the Board of Commerce (1840 - 1845)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Account books (1827 - 1846)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Debt servicing law (1823 - 1860)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Documents concerning slave emancipation (1834 - 1847)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office East Indian accounting note book (1818 - 1846)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Index to East Indian accounting note book (1818 - 1846)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Invoice books (1817 - 1846)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office List of all unpaid royal taxes remaining in the books until December 31, 1821 (1821 - 1821)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office List of contents to annotations (1755 - 1842)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Official sureties for customs tresurer (1823 - 1829)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Recommendation made by Councillor of State Lange on retrenchements in the West Indian budget (1840 - 1840)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Report concerning complaints against Secretary Hansteen (1823 - 1823)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Subject files of the West India Journal: Perquisites regulations (1804 - 1834)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Subject files of the West India Journal: St. Croix land treasury (1831 - 1849)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Subject files of the West India Journal: St. John customs case (1799 - 1846)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Subject files of the West India Journal: St. Thomas customs case (1815 - 1840)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office Tax files (1820 - 1840)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Abstracts and calculations concerning the West India trade, customs and shipping (1764 - 1856)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Accounts of the royal sugar refinery at Christianshavn in Copenhagen (1759 - 1762)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Annotations (1755 - 1842)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Attatchments to the bookkeeper's copybook (1752 - 1772)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Audit annotations and receipts for miscellaneous West Indian accounts (1769 - 1815)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Book of wisdom for the customs authorities (1764 - 1858)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Documents and calculations concerning revenue and expenditure of the Danish West Indies (1760 - 1856)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Documents concerning customs matters (1779 - 1789)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Index to book of wisdom for the customs authorities (1764 - 1858)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Index to invoice books (1793 - 1816)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Invoice books (1773 - 1816)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Pay regulations, pensions and financial assistance concerning the West Indies (1768 - 1839)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Reports and calculations concerning the West Indian military administration (1764 - 1851)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Special excerpts for the ledger on the active debt on St. Thomas (1767 - 1769)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Stemann papers. Miscellanea concerning the West Indian trade and costums system and military (1785 - 1833)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Subject files of the West India Journal: Absentee landlord tax (1785 - 1849)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Subject files of the West India Journal: Letters of credit (1788 - 1848)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Subject files of the West India Journal: St. Croix customs case (1771 - 1842)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office Subject files of the West India Journal: Stamped paper (1773 - 1849)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office West Indian perquisites system (1785 - 1836)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Abstract and deposition to the Company's remaining accounts (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Abstracts of the sugar and syrup sold by the royal sugar refinery (1755 - 1763)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Annotations, decisions and receipts of the books and trade accounts kebt by the bookkeeper at the forts Christiansborg and Fredensborg and the lodge Ada (1755 - 1761)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Balance August 31, 1755 (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Bond books of government bonds issued on the West India Guinea Company's shares and borrowed capital (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Copies of royal ordinances concerning credit conditions in the West Indies (1722 - 1758)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Designation of the West India Company's bonds (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Designation of the West Indian and Guinea Company and the sugar refinary's shares and bills of lading converted into government bonds (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Designation of the West Indian and Guinea Company and the sugar refinary's shares and bills of lading converted into government bonds (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Designation to bond book (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Designations of the government bonds issued on the West India and Guinea Company's shares and borrowed capital (1755 - 1757)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Governor Peder Clausen's general calculations of illicit trade in St. Croix (1760 - 1761)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Index to accounts submitted for auditing (1754 - 1761)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Index to bond book (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Journal attached to the St. Croix ledgers (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office List of holders of bonds (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office List of holders of government bonds issued to relieve the West India Company and the sugar refinery's shares and bonds, including payment of interests (1755 - 1761)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office List of holders of shares and bills of lading (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office The West India and Guinea Company's and the sugar refrinary's shares and bills of lading converted into government bonds (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office West Indian and Guinean accounting note book (1755 - 1760)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Applications received  (1793 - 1803)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Copybook concerning correspondence with colleges and the Debt Liquidation Directorate in Copenhagen (1792 - 1804)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Copybook concerning correspondence with the Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas, the Debt Liquidation Directorate, and individuals (1793 - 1804)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Drafts for letters (1793 - 1800)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Files concerning valuations of the need for Negroes (1792 - 1803)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Incoming applications concerning the Negro loan of June 11, 1800 (1800 - 1800)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Letters received from the Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas (1793 - 1800)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Miscellaneous unjournalised letters (1793 - 1807)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Negro loan bonds (1793 - 1819)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Register concerning correspondence with the Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas  (1793 - 1800)
Commission of August 30, 1793 for the Financial Assistance of Planters on St. Croix Register of letters and applications received (1793 - 1803)
Government-General Abstracts of letters received from the Chamber of Customs, journal (1803 - 1848)
Government-General Hovedbog for St. Thomas og St. Jan (1917 - 1918)
Government-General Letters received from the Chamber of Customs (1765 - 1848)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Files concerning sureties for civil servants (1772 - 1785)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Journal of accounts received (1780 - 1784)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Journal of annotations to accounts (1781 - 1784)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Journals concerning the West Indian Government's orders and resolutions  (1774 - 1833)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Ledgers, cash books and trade accounts concerning sale of cargo (1778 - 1784)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Miscellaneous account books (1756 - 1850)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Miscellaneous correspondence files (1780 - 1850)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Miscellaneous files concerning matters of accountancy (1756 - 1850)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Miscellaneous files  (1760 - 1780)
Government-General, St. Croix Bookkeeper's Office Records concerning miscellaneous claims  (1822 - 1838)
Government-General, St. Thomas and St. John Government Subject files: Accounting (1760 - 1888)
Guinea Company Consumption book (1767 - 1775)
Guinea Company Pay book (1767 - 1777)
Guinea Company Trade book (1769 - 1773)
Guinea Company, Directorate and Main Office Auctioning of ships' furnishings etc. (1776 - 1776)
Guinea Company, Directorate and Main Office Balances (1769 - 1772)
Guinea Company, Directorate and Main Office Cash book (1774 - 1777)
Guinea Company, Directorate and Main Office Cash ledger (1770 - 1775)
Guinea Company, Directorate and Main Office General debt book (1769 - 1777)
Guinea Company, Directorate and Main Office Index to general debt book (1769 - 1777)
Guinea Company, Directorate and Main Office Invoices etc. regarding the maritime transport on the Guinea Coast (1768 - 1775)
Guinea Company, Directorate and Main Office Signed bills regarding the warehouse account (1775 - 1775)
Guinea Company, Directorate and Main Office Trade cost book (1766 - 1777)
Guinea Company, Equipage Office Cost book and inventory (1770 - 1776)
Guinea Company, Equipage Office Inventory (1767 - 1769)
Guinea Company, Equipage Office Inventory of stock and supplies (1773 - 1775)
Guinea Company, Equipage Office Stock book (1766 - 1769)
Guinea Company, Equipage Office Trade book (1769 - 1770)
Guinea Company, Equipage Office Warehouse book and inventory (1768 - 1771)
Guinea Company, Equipage Office Warehouse book regarding the trade (1767 - 1775)
Guinea Company, Guinea Government Auction book, kept at Fort Christansborg (1772 - 1777)
Guinea Company, Guinea Government Debt book (1766 - 1773)
Guinea Company, Guinea Government General receipts for cargo (1770 - 1778)
Guinea Company, Guinea Government Index to auction book (1772 - 1776)
Guinea Company, Guinea Government Index to debt book (1766 - 1773)
Guinea Company, Guinea Government Index to pay book (1766 - 1770)
Guinea Company, Guinea Government Naval cost book (1777 - 1777)
Guinea Company, Guinea Government Pay book, kept at Fort Christiansborg (1766 - 1770)
Guinea Company, Guinea Government Trade journal, kept at Fort Christiansborg (1772 - 1772)
Guinea Company, The Legal Official on Christiansborg Copybook (1766 - 1768)
Guinea Company, The Legal Official on Christiansborg Journal (1766 - 1768)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery Account book of debtors of the sugar refinery (1776 - 1776)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery Index to the account book of debtors of the sugar refinery (1776 - 1776)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery Ledger of the sugar refinery (1768 - 1776)
Plantation Company of St. Thomas and St. John Account books (1903 - 1908)
Sheriff of Christiansted Account journals of Clerk's accounts (1775 - 1778)
Sheriff of Christiansted Annotations to Sheriff's accounts (1781 - 1785)
Sheriff of Christiansted Auction book (1736 - 1913)
Sheriff of Christiansted Director of auctions' ledger concerning fees received (1822 - 1832)
Sheriff of Christiansted Perquisites journals of the Clerk and Notary Public (1829 - 1847)
Sheriff of Christiansted Police Master's perquisites journals (1822 - 1845)
Sheriff of Christiansted Register of settled accounts (1822 - 1867)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sheriff's perquisites journals  (1822 - 1847)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sheriff's register of the Land Treasury's expenses concerning prisoners (1824 - 1826)
Sheriff of Frederiksted Auction books (1760 - 1892)
Sheriff of Frederiksted Miscellaneous reports and vouchers to accounts (1745 - 1745)
Sheriff of St. Thomas Auction books (1774 - 1898)
Sheriff of St. Thomas Notary Publics' perquisites accounts (1822 - 1842)
Sheriff of St. Thomas Sheriff's accounts (1793 - 1867)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Account book concerning perquisites (1825 - 1855)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Account books (1820 - 1846)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Registers of debts (1852 - 1905)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's cash book concerning the Land Treasury (1836 - 1836)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's cash journal concerning the Land Treasury (1801 - 1824)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's copybook (1819 - 1822)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's copybook of abstracts concerning the Land Treasury sent to the Government  (1825 - 1843)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's copybook of accounts and arrears (1821 - 1825)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's copybook of letters received, journal  (1819 - 1822)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's daybook concerning the Land Treasury (1820 - 1823)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Bookkeeper's ledgers concerning the Land Treasury (1801 - 1849)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Bookkeeper on St. Croix Miscellaneous attatchments concerning the Land Treasury (1820 - 1850)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Debt Collector Attachments concerning appropriations against estates (1829 - 1829)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Debt Collector Debt Collector's cash books (1795 - 1803)
St. Croix Burgher Council, Debt Collector Debt Collector's ledgers (1792 - 1801)
St. Croix Burgher Council  Attachments to registers of correspondence (1818 - 1862)
St. Croix Burgher Council  Attachments to registers of proceedings (1759 - 1813)
St. Croix Burgher Council  Copybooks (1798 - 1865)
St. Croix Burgher Council  Drafts of letters sent (1821 - 1855)
St. Croix Burgher Council  Registers of negotiations and correspondence (1814 - 1865)
St. Croix Burgher Council  Registers of proceedings (1786 - 1814)
St. Croix Burgher Council  Registers of tax assessments (1813 - 1834)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Average Adjuster on St. Thomas Register of average ajudgements (1855 - 1905)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Broker on St. Thomas Broker's books (1784 - 1789)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Government Bookkeeper's Office on St. Thomas Copybooks  (1778 - 1835)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Government Bookkeeper's Office on St. Thomas Files concerning matters of accountancy (1856 - 1869)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Government Bookkeeper's Office on St. Thomas Ledger (1799 - 1799)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Government Bookkeeper's Office on St. Thomas Miscellaneous files (1746 - 1791)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Government Bookkeeper's Office on St. Thomas Register of marriages (1802 - 1807)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Government Bookkeeper's Office on St. Thomas Registers of correspondence, journal (1871 - 1875)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Account book (1819 - 1858)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Accounts concerning horse and boat taxes (1860 - 1892)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Accounts of fines and penalties to the State Treasuary (1786 - 1786)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Auction books (1753 - 1868)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Cash book for the Judge, Clerk, Police Master, and Post Master (1869 - 1869)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Customs and Post Office accounts (1825 - 1844)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Customs index (1845 - 1873)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Land Treasury accounts (1859 - 1875)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Post Office accounts (1844 - 1889)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Regulations concerning the perquisites system (1833 - 1836)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Reports etc. to the Government concerning the Sheriff's incomes (1827 - 1845)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Sheriff's accounts (1817 - 1845)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Sheriff's perquisites journals (1822 - 1917)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Tax Commission on St. Thomas Copybook (1843 - 1849)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Tax Commission on St. Thomas Land tax certificates (1853 - 1853)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Tax Commission on St. Thomas List of landed proprietors (1864 - 1864)
St. Thomas Burgher Council Accounts of the Land Treasury (1848 - 1855)
St. Thomas Burgher Council Copybooks (1812 - 1862)
St. Thomas Burgher Council Files concerning tax arrears and miscellaneous payments  (1776 - 1853)
St. Thomas Burgher Council Index to copybooks (1833 - 1854)
St. Thomas Burgher Council Index to journals (1815 - 1863)
St. Thomas Burgher Council Journal files (1800 - 1865)
St. Thomas Burgher Council Journals (1786 - 1840)
St. Thomas Burgher Council Registers of proceedings (1783 - 1865)
St. Thomas Burgher Council Subject files (1848 - 1865)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Accounts and account files (1796 - 1814)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Auction and probate book (1800 - 1812)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Cost books for the fort Christiansborg (1755 - 1762)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Debt book (1717 - 1752)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Index to debt book (1752 - 1761)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Index to pay book (1757 - 1760)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Index to trade ledger (1755 - 1760)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Index to trade passbook (1755 - 1755)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Pay book (1755 - 1760)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Pay book, kept at Fort Christiansborg (1815 - 1817)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Registers of proceedings and resolutions (1847 - 1850)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Registers of sales and inventories (1755 - 1760)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Trade journal (1755 - 1760)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Trade ledger (1755 - 1760)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast Trade passbook (1755 - 1755)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast, The Business Archive of Governor Chr. Schiønning Debt books (1798 - 1816)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast, The Business Archive of Governor Chr. Schiønning Index to debt books (1798 - 1808)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Account journal (1744 - 1744)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Account journals (1742 - 1750)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Annotations to and receipts for general and subsidiary ledgers from St. Croix. (1741 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Balance books for St. Croix (1741 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Interim journal, kept at St. Croix, concerning the circulating capital's good (1747 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Interim ledger, kept at St. Croix, concerning the circulating capital's shipped out goods (1747 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Ledger, kept at St. Croix (1741 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Lists of debt (1740 - 1748)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Pay book for St. Croix (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper Pay books (1745 - 1751)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Annotations and receipts for general and subsidiary ledgers from St. Thomas (1707 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Arrears register for St. Thomas and St. John (1735 - 1735)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Balance books for St. Thomas etc. (1725 - 1749)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Cost account for St. John (1718 - 1725)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Cost books for St. Thomas (1710 - 1715)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Distillery and plantation book (1691 - 1694)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Draft ledger, kept at St. Thomas (1717 - 1722)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper General interest book (1707 - 1729)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Journal, kept at St. Thomas (1688 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Land lists for St. John (1728 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Land lists for St. Thomas (1688 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Ledger, Christiansfort (1717 - 1719)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Ledger, kept at St. Thomas (1688 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Liquidation book of Company debtors and creditors on St. Thomas (1726 - 1726)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper List of debtors at St. Thomas and St. John (1728 - 1745)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Miscellaneous accounts and vouchers from St. Thomas (1686 - 1696)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Muster and pay rolls of Christiansfort (1753 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Particular accounts concerning small Company vessels at St. Thomas (1688 - 1710)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Particular accounts of Christiansfort and Frederiksfort at St. Thomas (1688 - 1710)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Particular accounts of Company plantations at St. Thomas (1686 - 1710)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Pay book for St. Croix (1734 - 1736)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Pay books for St. Thomas and St. John (1686 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Reflection of the debtors (1737 - 1737)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper Special interest book (1707 - 1732)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Abstracted posts of the annotations (1750 - 1751)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Abstracted trade journals from Guinea (1747 - 1749)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Abstracted trade ledgers (1724 - 1727)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Abstracted trade ledgers from Guinea (1747 - 1749)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Account of wages for colonialists, 1699 (1699 - 1701)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Auditors' annotations to Guinean accounts (1745 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Books of transfers (1699 - 1701)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Cash books from Guinea (1703 - 1728)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Cost ledgers from Guinea (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Debt books (1723 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper E. Olsen Lygaard's accounts of delivered goods (1698 - 1698)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Furniture, fixtures, fittings and consumption books from Guinea (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Index to debt books (1723 - 1750)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Index to trade ledger (1698 - 1730)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Journal and ledger of the sale of captain Sejerøe's cargo in Guinea (1746 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Passbooks (1750 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Receipts (1750 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Rejoinders to the auditors' annotations to abstracted ledgers (1747 - 1749)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Rejoinders to the auditors' annotations to Guinean accounts (1745 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Trade journal from Guinea (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper Trade ledger from Guinea (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Annotations for ships' accounts (1727 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Calculations of interest, subsidies and dividends (1673 - 1673)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Calculations of slaves sold at St. Thomas (1724 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Charter parties, freight estimates with correspondence, reports and votes (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Copybooks of debentures and other authorisations (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Documents concerning Company sale of goods on St. Thomas  (1733 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Documents concerning the Company's settlement with the King (1682 - 1710)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Documents concerning the Crown's acquisition of Company rights and real property (1753 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Guinean registers and sales registers (1699 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Invoices for cargoes to and from the West Indies (1690 - 1728)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Letters and documents concerning inheritance and settlement of estates left by persons who had died in the West Indies (1671 - 1671)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Letters and documents concerning inheritance and settlement of property left by sailors who had died in the Company's service  (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Letters concerning private trade at St. Thomas, started by the sugar refinery (1741 - 1746)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Letters, Board of Directors' resolutions and specifications concerning Company capital (1701 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Marketing estimates from St. Thomas concerning duck swatches and other goods sent out (1737 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors Share transfers and accompanying documents of title (1675 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors The West India and Guinea Company's and the sugar refrinary's shares and bills of lading converted into government bonds (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Account book concerning capital raised against debentures (1731 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Accounting miscellanea (1673 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Advertisement copybooks (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Arrears book (1734 - 1737)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Attatchments to the trade journals (1688 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Auction book, kept by the bookkeeper (1697 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Auction book, kept by the commissioner of public sales (1702 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Balance book (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Bookkeeper's copybook (1708 - 1772)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Cash book (1702 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Copies of certificates of customs-duty exemption and disembarkation (1688 - 1689)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Copybook of foreign accounts (1708 - 1714)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Copybook of interest calculations (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Copybook of transires and dock passes (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Copybook of warehouse and freight accounts (1751 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Copybooks of auction and customs accounts (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Cost book (1682 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Daybook, letter B (1675 - 1679)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer General alphabet of functionaries employed according to the pay books (1697 - 1762)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Index to account book concerning capital raised against debentures (1744 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Index to the trade ledger (1697 - 1707)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Invoice books (1696 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Journal of shareholders' funds (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Ledger of shareholder´s funds (1688 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Poor relief account book (1708 - 1744)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Receipts of goods (1686 - 1689)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Recovery orders (1751 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Return book (1673 - 1677)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer The auctioneer's book of tendering (1749 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Trade journal (1671 - 1750)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Trade ledger (1671 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer Transcript of trade journal (1702 - 1704)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital Balance book A of circulating capital  (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital Cash books of circulating capital (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital Daybooks of circulating capital (1749 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital Index to ledger (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital Journals of circulating capital  (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital Ledger of circulating capital (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government Accounts from the time of Adolph Esmit's governorship (1671 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government Governor Jørgen Iversen's account books (1671 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government List of contents of Governor Jørgen Iversen's account books (1671 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery Index to The Sugar Refinery's copybook (1745 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery Reciepts from the Company's major participants (1753 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery Register of The Sugar Refinery (1728 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery The Sugar Refinery's balance books (1730 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery The Sugar Refinery's copybook (1729 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery The Sugar Refinery's ledger, letter C (1751 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix Abstract of book of duties (1745 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix Auction book (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix Book of duties (1741 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix Cash book (1735 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix Index of goods for the merchant book (1744 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix Merchant book (1741 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix Weighmaster's books, kept at St. Croix (1746 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Alphabetical index of goods for the merchant book (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Auction book, kept at St. John (1739 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Auction books, kept at St. Thomas (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Books of duties, kept at St. Thomas (1708 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Books of receipts and expenses of the warehouse at St. Thomas (1727 - 1734)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Cash book (1694 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Custom-house copybook (1731 - 1732)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Index of Weighmaster's book (1727 - 1733)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Index to books of receipts and expenses (1727 - 1734)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Invoices of goods purchased by the government (1723 - 1724)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Ledger of incoming and distributed provisions (1691 - 1692)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Merchant book, kept at St. Thomas (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Warehouse book, kept at St. Thomas (1723 - 1723)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Weighmaster's book, kept at St. Thomas (1691 - 1694)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Weighmaster's book, kept at St. Thomas (1692 - 1694)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John Weighmaster's book, kept at St. Thomas (1727 - 1733)
The West India and Guinea Company, Warehouse Clerk and Master Attendant Account book, kept according to reports from the Company's repair dock (1749 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Warehouse Clerk and Master Attendant Annotations to Master Attendant C. F. Irgens' accounts (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Warehouse Clerk and Master Attendant Cost book of the ships "Gyldenløve" and "Christian V" (1696 - 1698)
The West India and Guinea Company, Warehouse Clerk and Master Attendant Daybooks of the fixed capital (1749 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, Warehouse Clerk and Master Attendant Warehouse book for the circulating capital (1747 - 1754)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Abstracts of the records concerning Peter Heyliger's estate vs. the agents of the loan raised from ter Borch (1787 - 1788)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Accounts of sugar that has passed through the royal weighhouses on St. Croix (1815 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Annual lists of prohibitions (1825 - 1836)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Appraisals (1786 - 1788)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Attachments to the Book of Sessions of the Commission for Liquidating the Danish and Dutch Loans (1808 - 1815)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Case papers of the Probate Court, cases in which the Burgher Council was debtor (1816 - 1841)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Copybooks concerning letters sent to the Debt Liquidation Directorate in Copenhagen (1786 - 1849)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Drafts for bonds, arranged according to names: A-Q (1790 - 1790)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Drafts for letters to the Debt Liquidation Directorate in Copenhagen (1787 - 1830)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Drafts of general letters (1788 - 1848)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files and reports concerning individual plantations on St. Croix (1787 - 1847)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning Agent Arnoldus Finmann (1784 - 1793)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning Agent Johannes Wood's debt (1781 - 1793)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning bonds (1785 - 1836)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning Chief Clerk Reumert's children (1836 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning Confidential Clerk H. G. Hoffman's debt (1823 - 1837)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning debtors' estates (1821 - 1845)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning Georg Bigg's estate (1766 - 1835)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning honoured and remitted bills of exchange (1836 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning invoices transferred by the commercial house of Selby, Dungan, and Thompson (1786 - 1792)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning the commercial house of Joost van Hemmert and Sons (1789 - 1826)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning the loan raised from ter Borch (1773 - 1787)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files concerning the royal plantations (1833 - 1844)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Files from the Bookkeeper's Office concerning stationery and orders (1820 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix General copybooks (1786 - 1853)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix General reports on debtors (1793 - 1826)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Index of names in copybooks concerning letters sent to the Debt Liquidation Directorate in Copenhagen (1815 - 1827)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Indexes to general copybooks (1815 - 1831)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Indexes to registers of correspondence and copybooks (1832 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Indexes to registers of correspondence, journals (1815 - 1831)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Invoices and correspondence concerning shipment of goods from Denmark (1828 - 1838)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Lease contracts concerning royal plantations (1830 - 1844)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Ledger concerning debtors' debts and repayments  (1807 - 1813)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Ledger of mortgages of the plantations (1813 - 1813)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Letters from the Debt Liquidation Directorate in Copenhagen  (1787 - 1807)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Letters received, journalised (1786 - 1849)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix List of borrowers' current accounts  (1792 - 1816)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix List of loans raised from ter Borch and administered by Arnoldus Finmann  (1780 - 1787)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix List of payments on account of various loans (1793 - 1814)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Lists of debtors on St. Croix (1767 - 1785)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Lists of debtors' repayments of the loan raised from ter Borch  (1790 - 1796)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Lists of payments to the Liquidation Treasury (1829 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Lists of remittances (1788 - 1805)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Memorandum books concerning bills of exchange (1790 - 1805)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Personal files concerning chief clerk and treasurer (1823 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Personal files concerning clerk and extra clerk (1825 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Plantation accounts (1829 - 1845)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Receipts etc. (1786 - 1788)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Records concerning farming out of royal plantations (1833 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Records concerning van Beverhoudt, Mac Evoy, P. Rogers, de Bretton, H. Herbert, and W. H. Krause (1787 - 1804)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Register concerning royal ordinances and letters from the Debt Liquidation Directorate and collegia in Copenhagen (1789 - 1800)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Registers of correspondence, journals (1789 - 1849)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Registers of proceedings (1779 - 1840)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Reports from the District Attorney (1803 - 1807)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Royal ordinances and letters from the Board of Finance and the Debt Liquidation Directorate in Copenhagen (1786 - 1790)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Unjournalised letters (1787 - 1846)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Weekly reports from the plantations (1842 - 1845)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix Vouchers (1825 - 1826)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Abstract of the cash accounts (1815 - 1821)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Account books of debtor on St. Thomas and St. John (1834 - 1848)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Accounts concerning debtors to the guilders and Negro loan  (1806 - 1816)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Archive- and inventory list of the bookkeeper's office (1768 - 1830)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Copybooks concerning letters to the West India Debt Liquidation Directorate in Copenhagen (1826 - 1849)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Current account book for St. Thomas and St. John (1795 - 1819)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Drafts for letters (1826 - 1849)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Files concerning estate Flamingo Pannen and the widow van der Pool (1780 - 1787)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Files concerning estates Adrian and Herman Farm (1828 - 1847)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Files relating to the registers of correspondence (1815 - 1849)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John General copybooks (1815 - 1849)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Miscellaneous files (1779 - 1849)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Thomas and St. John Registers of correspondence (1802 - 1849)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch "Hercules": Notes for account books (1806 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch "St. Thomas": Cash book of expenses (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch "St. Thomas": Invoice book for the cargo (1783 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch "St. Thomas": Journal kebt by captain C. Dircksen (1784 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch "St. Thomas": Surgeon's journal (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Account book of debtors in the provinces (1782 - 1817)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Account journal (1786 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Account journal (1788 - 1789)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Account journal for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Accounts etc. concerning various ships (1780 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Attachments to the ledgers of the shareholders (1779 - 1780)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Auction book for "Hercules" (1802 - 1802)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Auction catalogues (1781 - 1816)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Audit annotations and resolutions (1784 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Audit files concerning "Schack-Rathlou" and other ships (1788 - 1788)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Balances of creditors in the provinces (1782 - 1815)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Book of inland bills of exchange (1799 - 1815)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Book of receipts of proceeds (1781 - 1782)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Book of various debtors (1801 - 1810)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Cash book for "Hercules" (1799 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Cash book for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Coffee balances (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Coffee book (1811 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Coffee stock book (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Coffee stock book (1778 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Consumption account for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Consumption accounts for "Hercules" (1803 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Copenhagen passes (1779 - 1814)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Copenhagen price currents (1813 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Copybook of bills of exchange (1780 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Current account book (1778 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Debt lists of debtors in the provinces (1783 - 1788)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Draft to ledger for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Files concerning debtors (1781 - 1811)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Foreign book of bills of exchange (1799 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Hamburg import lists (1801 - 1811)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to account book of debtors in the provinces (1782 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to book of various debtors (1801 - 1810)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to current account book (1778 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to draft to ledger for "St Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to ledger (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to ledger (1787 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to ledger for "Hercules" (1803 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to ledger for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to ledger for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to ledger of the shareholders (1778 - 1782)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Index to pay book for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Invoice book for "Hercules" (1799 - 1799)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Invoice copybook for "Lucie Emerenze" (1785 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Invoice for coffee purchases (1797 - 1797)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Ledger (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Ledger (1787 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Ledger for "Hercules" (1799 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Ledger for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Ledger for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Ledger of the shareholders (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letter copybook for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letter copybook for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts ect. concerning "St. Thomas" (1781 - 1800)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Die Einigkeit" (1803 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Emilia" (1781 - 1793)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Geheimeraad Guldberg" (1782 - 1788)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Generalinde Schimmelmann" (1782 - 1792)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Generalmajor Schimmelmann" (1782 - 1789)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Heinrich Carl" (1782 - 1789)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Hercules" (1798 - 1805)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Prins Friderich" (1781 - 1792)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Øllegaard Charlotte" (1781 - 1789)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch List of bonds (1786 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch List of customs revenue from St. Thomas and St. John (1815 - 1817)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Lists of incoming loads (1778 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Load and unload lists etc. (1783 - 1790)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Marine insurance policies (1778 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Miscellaneous accounts (1780 - 1816)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Miscellaneous concerning Norwegian debitors (1806 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Miscellaneous debtors in the provinces until June 1782 (1782 - 1782)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Miscellaneous price currents and other reports on trade (1797 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Oresund lists (1802 - 1803)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Pay book for "Hercules" (1803 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Pay book for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Pay book for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Pay book for "Øllegaard Charlotte" (1784 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Registers of inventory for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Registers of inventory for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Registration book for shareholders (1778 - 1778)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Shares (1778 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Ship's register for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Ship's register for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Supply accounts for "Hercules" (1800 - 1802)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch The New London Price Current (1797 - 1804)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Trade book for "Lucie Emerenze" (1784 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Trade journal for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch Trade memorandum for "Lucie Emerence" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch West Indian draft letters (1779 - 1781)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Account journal (1792 - 1806)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Balance of current account book (1783 - 1783)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Balances to the ledgers (1779 - 1786)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Cash book for the realization of the trading company (1790 - 1798)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Copy of ledger for the ship "Malleville" (1797 - 1797)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Current account book (1780 - 1786)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Current account book (1782 - 1784)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Index to current account book (1780 - 1785)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Index to current account book (1783 - 1784)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Index to ledger (1783 - 1818)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Index to ledger, 2. series (1792 - 1815)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Index to trade ledger (1783 - 1790)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Invoice- and account book for the ship "Malleville" (1797 - 1797)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Ledger (1779 - 1818)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Ledger for the ship "Malleville" (1797 - 1797)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Ledger, 2. series (1792 - 1818)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch List of debtors (1788 - 1791)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Miscellaneous files concerning matters of accountancy (1781 - 1787)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Records and accounts concerning an expedition to Guinea (1785 - 1786)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Stock book (1781 - 1783)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch Trade ledger (1783 - 1790)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Abstract accounts for each fiscal year (1855 - 1862)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Account books for the West Indian troops (1833 - 1836)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Account of the West Indian Recruitment (1840 - 1845)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Cash book for the West Indian recruit barracks (1833 - 1855)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Cash books (1837 - 1919)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Correspondence and abstracts of accounts of recruitment (1804 - 1838)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Daily abstract of revenue and expenditure (1832 - 1839)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Monthly abstract of revenue and expence (1833 - 1836)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Payroll for the West Indian Recruitment (1833 - 1834)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Payrolls for the West Indian recruits (1823 - 1831)
The West Indian Recruitment Office Undergarment and account books (1836 - 1858)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Accounts concerning guardians (1764 - 1838)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Acquittance accounts (1821 - 1877)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Annotations and attachments to accounts (1816 - 1866)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Annual accounts of capital on deposit (1820 - 1836)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Annual accounts of outgoings (1810 - 1857)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Book of wisdom (1830 - 1830)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Copybooks (1794 - 1856)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Correspondence and accounts concerning bonds (1813 - 1864)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Correspondence concerning assignments against mortgages on plantations (1842 - 1873)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Designations (1810 - 1822)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Files concerning debtors (1809 - 1835)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Files concerning estate Negro Bay (1834 - 1834)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Files concerning lottery tickets (1809 - 1862)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Files concerning minors (1821 - 1860)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Files concerning minors, arranged alphabetically (1800 - 1860)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Files concerning the ordinance of May 5, 1830 concerning funds held in trust for minors (1824 - 1836)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Files concerning the Upper Guardian register (1833 - 1840)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Files concerning the Upper Guardian's office (1818 - 1844)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Files concerning title-deeds, deeds of gift, and wills etc. (1804 - 1856)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Index of documents (1834 - 1834)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Indexes to Upper Guardian registers (1798 - 1798)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Ledgers (1797 - 1815)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Letters from the Government  (1784 - 1879)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix List of documents (1818 - 1818)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix List of files (1807 - 1818)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix List of unsettled cases from the register of the upper guardians (1833 - 1834)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Miscellaneous accounts (1785 - 1855)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Miscellaneous printed and unprinted ordinances and proclamations  (1804 - 1848)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Miscellaneous records of the upper guardians (1800 - 1850)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Miscellaneous unjournalised correspondence (1820 - 1860)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Registers of the proceedings (1755 - 1832)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Statements concerning real estates under guardianship (1800 - 1814)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Upper Guardian registers, journals (1837 - 1841)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Waivers (1770 - 1820)
Upper Guardians' Administration on St. Croix Valuations of real estates (1815 - 1838)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Account book (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Account book relating to pay  (1915 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Balances of cash accounts  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Cash book  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Monthly accounts received from the detachments  (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, Main Force, Christiansted, St. Croix Pay calculation books (1914 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Depot, Christiansted, St. Croix Account book concerning cash sale from the depot (1913 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, Frederiksted, St. Croix Cash books (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, Kingshill, St. Croix Cash book (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Gendarmerie, The Detachment, St. Thomas Cash book (1907 - 1917)
West Indian Government Abstracts of letters received from the Chamber, journals (1755 - 1848)
West Indian Government Copybook concerning letters sent to the Copenhagen Bank (1785 - 1800)
West Indian Government Copybooks concerning letters received from the Chamber of Customs (1755 - 1786)
West Indian Government Copybooks concerning letters sent to the Chamber of Customs (1755 - 1847)
West Indian Government Copybooks concerning letters to the Ministry of Finance and others (1848 - 1899)
West Indian Government Drafts of letters to the Chamber of Customs (1788 - 1803)
West Indian Government Files relating to register of correspondence, series B (1802 - 1807)
West Indian Government Letters received from the Chamber of Customs  (1755 - 1848)
West Indian Government Subject files: Accounting (1754 - 1917)
West Indian Government Subject files: Finances, customs, taxes (1755 - 1908)
West Indian Government, Government Bookkeeper on St. Croix Cash book (1753 - 1755)
West Indian Government, Government Bookkeeper on St. Croix Letters received (1821 - 1828)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Account abstracts and designations (1780 - 1786)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Auditing annotations to accounts (1755 - 1774)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Copybook of the monetary account (1758 - 1791)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces General accounts (1758 - 1792)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Menage accounts (1803 - 1807)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Payroll accounts (1755 - 1771)
West Indian Government, Quartermaster of the West Indian Military Forces Various matter of accountancy (1759 - 1793)
West Indian Government, St. Croix Provisions Commission of March 20, 1823 Account book (1859 - 1871)
West Indian Government, St. Croix Provisions Commission of March 20, 1823 Account book concerning provisions for plantations (1823 - 1823)
West Indian Government, St. Croix Provisions Commission of March 20, 1823 Files of the commission (1823 - 1823)
West Indian Government, St. Croix Provisions Commission of March 20, 1823 Miscellaneous files (1823 - 1835)
West Indian Government, St. Croix Provisions Commission of March 20, 1823 Mortgage deeds concerning plantations (1842 - 1898)
West Indian Government, St. Croix Provisions Commission of March 20, 1823 Powers of attorney and instructions  (1832 - 1849)
West Indian Government, St. Croix Provisions Commission of March 20, 1823 Register of correspondence (1842 - 1898)
West Indian Government, St. Croix Provisions Commission of March 20, 1823 Registers of deliberations (1823 - 1823)
West Indian Government, Tax commission Attatchments (1821 - 1821)
West Indian Government, Tax commission Files concerning regulations of tax collection and distress (1802 - 1834)
West Indian Government, Tax commission Files concerning tax arrears (1823 - 1824)
West Indian Government, Tax commission List of the estimated income of the inhabitants on St. Thomas and St. John (1880 - 1880)
West Indian Medical Administration Archives of private physicians: Dr. Søren Johannes Keutsch's ledger (1811 - 1818)
West Indian Medical Administration Archives of private physicians: Dr. Søren Johannes Keutsch's medical ledger (1808 - 1808)
West Indian Medical Administration Archives of private physicians: Dr. Søren Johannes Keutsch's medical ledger (1812 - 1813)
West Indian Medical Administration Archives of private physicians: Lorentz Grundel's ledger (1754 - 1759)
West Indian Medical Administration Archives of private physicians: Lorentz Grundel's medical ledger (1755 - 1760)
West Indian Medical Administration, Archives of the Landphysicus Ledger (1815 - 1815)
West Indian Medical Administration, Petersfarm Hospital Account ledger (1820 - 1822)
West Indian Medical Administration, Petersfarm Hospital Accounts concerning special food (1823 - 1825)
West Indian Medical Administration, Petersfarm Hospital Registers of requests and accounts concerning special food (1823 - 1825)
West Indian Military Forces Central files: Copies of vouchers (1824 - 1826)
West Indian State Assets Administration Copybook (1853 - 1881)
West Indian State Assets Administration Drafts (1877 - 1881)
West Indian State Assets Administration Drafts with attachments (1849 - 1864)
West Indian State Assets Administration Files concerning assets (1853 - 1878)
West Indian State Assets Administration Files concerning individual estates (1851 - 1906)
West Indian State Assets Administration Files relating to the register of plantations  (1849 - 1853)
West Indian State Assets Administration Files relating to the register, series C (1849 - 1855)
West Indian State Assets Administration Files relating to the register, series D (1849 - 1855)
West Indian State Assets Administration Files relating to the registers of correspondence concerning royal assets on St. Thomas and St. John (1849 - 1863)
West Indian State Assets Administration Indexes of drafts for letters (1850 - 1852)
West Indian State Assets Administration Register of assets (1855 - 1910)
West Indian State Assets Administration Register of plantations (1849 - 1853)
West Indian State Assets Administration Register, series C, journal (1848 - 1855)
West Indian State Assets Administration Register, series D, journal (1849 - 1855)
West Indian State Assets Administration Registers of correspondence concerning royal assets on St. Thomas and St. John (1849 - 1864)
West Indian State Assets Administration Unjournalised files concerning estates Annaberg and Leinsterbay (1849 - 1853)
This contains information about all types of accounts and auditing concerning the Danish West Indies. The material consists of e.g. tax, duties, excise, payroll, revenues from the sale of goods or property, statements to do with municipal finances, public and private loans etc.

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