Archive | Contents | |
Board of Health | West Indian medical reports (1823 - 1910) | |
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office | Public health administration (1848 - 1915) | |
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office | The Red Cross (1903 - 1917) | |
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office | Files concerning the hospital at Christiansted, particularly its finances (1790 - 1817) | |
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office | Reports concerning missionary, educational and hospital affairs (1746 - 1830) | |
Guinea Company | Medical journal (1768 - 1775) | |
Royal Cow-Pox Vaccination Institute | Letters regarding St. Thomas and St. Croix (1855 - 1909) | |
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Hospital Commission on St. Thomas | Registers of correspondence (1874 - 1900) | |
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Hospital Commission on St. Thomas | Registers of proceedings (1862 - 1895) | |
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Quarantine Commission on St. Thomas | Registers of correspondence (1848 - 1903) | |
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Quarantine Commission on St. Thomas | Registers of proceedings (1850 - 1893) | |
West Indian Government | Subject files: Social and cultural matters (1744 - 1911) | |
West Indian Government, Commission concerning hospitals in Christiansted and Frederiksted, May 31, 1780 | Files (1780 - 1791) | |
West Indian Government, Hospital Commission on St. Croix | Journal (1850 - 1853) | |
West Indian Government, Hospital Commission on St. Croix | Register of correspondence (1832 - 1842) | |
West Indian Government, Hospital Commission on St. Croix | Register of correspondence and proceedings (1815 - 1823) | |
West Indian Government, The Quarantine Commissions in Christiansted and Frederiksted | Files (1865 - 1868) | |
West Indian Government, The Quarantine Commissions in Christiansted and Frederiksted | Register of proceedings (1816 - 1850) | |
West Indian Medical Administration | Archives of private physicians: Dr. Søren Johannes Keutsch's ledger (1811 - 1818) | |
West Indian Medical Administration | Archives of private physicians: Dr. Søren Johannes Keutsch's medical ledger (1808 - 1808) | |
West Indian Medical Administration | Archives of private physicians: Dr. Søren Johannes Keutsch's medical ledger (1812 - 1813) | |
West Indian Medical Administration | Archives of private physicians: Lorentz Grundel's ledger (1754 - 1759) | |
West Indian Medical Administration | Archives of private physicians: Lorentz Grundel's medical ledger (1755 - 1760) | |
West Indian Medical Administration | Archives of private physicians: Physician's daybook (1821 - 1824) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Archives of the Landphysicus | Drafts for annual medical reports (1830 - 1853) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Archives of the Landphysicus | Journals etc. (1834 - 1852) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Archives of the Landphysicus | Journals of vaccinations (1829 - 1839) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Archives of the Landphysicus | Ledger (1815 - 1815) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Archives of the Landphysicus | Letters received and drafts for letters sent (1753 - 1854) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Archives of the Landphysicus | List of Landphysicus G. F. Bloch's papers (1827 - 1827) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Archives of the Landphysicus | Lists of vaccinations (1824 - 1853) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Archives of the Landphysicus | Register of vaccinations (1820 - 1853) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Petersfarm Hospital | Account ledger (1820 - 1822) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Petersfarm Hospital | Accounts concerning special food (1823 - 1825) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Petersfarm Hospital | Assistant Surgeon's journal (1821 - 1841) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Petersfarm Hospital | Journals of patients (1819 - 1825) | |
West Indian Medical Administration, Petersfarm Hospital | Registers of requests and accounts concerning special food (1823 - 1825) |
This contains information about the health system in the Danish West Indies. The material concerns e.g. hospitals, quarantine, vaccination, pharmacies, midwives, the district doctor, garrison surgeons and annual medical reports. |
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