Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office |
Direct overseas trade (1848 - 1854)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office |
Measurement and weight (1829 - 1912)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office |
The coinage case (1830 - 1919)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office |
The West India Company (1910 - 1917)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office |
Trade statistics (1850 - 1916)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, West India Warehouse keeper |
Book of orders (1847 - 1853)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, West India Warehouse keeper |
Copybooks (1901 - 1918)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, West India Warehouse keeper |
Correspondence concerning shipments of goods (invoices) (1849 - 1918)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, West India Warehouse keeper |
Inventory list and miscellanea (1851 - 1912)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, Colonial and Trade Office |
Report by C. F. Ohsten, acting customs inspector on St. Thomas (1848 - 1848)
Chamber of Customs and Commerce, East and West India Office |
Subject files of the West India Journal: Direct overseas trade (1828 - 1844)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office |
Christiani's case concerning the West India Trading Company (1782 - 1802)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office |
Documents concerning reductions granted to the inhabitants of St. Croix, the ordinance of June 6, 1833 in St. Croix trade and shipping (1780 - 1833)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office |
Letters to the board of directors of the West India Trading Company (1801 - 1807)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office |
List of goods (1805 - 1805)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office |
Subject files of the West India Journal: The coinage case (1773 - 1840)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office |
Announed royal resolution concerning the legal system, the police, the clergy and the trade in the Danish colonies in America and at the coast of Guinea (1755 - 1755)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office |
Governor Peder Clausen's general calculations of illicit trade in St. Croix (1760 - 1761)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office |
Privy Councillor Berckentin's recommendations concerning trade, culture and population on the Danish West Indies (1756 - 1756)
Government-General, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Copybook concerning correspondence with the West India Trading Company (1815 - 1821)
Government-General, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Subject files: Trade (1778 - 1912)
Guinea Company |
Consumption book (1767 - 1775)
Guinea Company |
Medical journal (1768 - 1775)
Guinea Company |
Pay book (1767 - 1777)
Guinea Company |
Ship's logs (1766 - 1777)
Guinea Company |
Ship's registers (1766 - 1778)
Guinea Company |
Trade book (1769 - 1773)
Guinea Company, Guinea: The Secret Council |
Deliberation minute books (1768 - 1776)
Guinea Company, Guinea: The Secret Council |
Secret minute book (1767 - 1778)
Guinea Company, The Company's Agent on St. Croix |
Register for the agent on St. Croix Carl Heinr. Thalbitzer (1766 - 1769)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Account book of debtors of the sugar refinery (1776 - 1776)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Index to the account book of debtors of the sugar refinery (1776 - 1776)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Journal of the sugar refinery (warehouse) (1768 - 1776)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Ledger of the sugar refinery (1768 - 1776)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Passbook for sugar boiler C. G. Schlottmann (1768 - 1769)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Register of the sale of goods for the sugar warehouse (1774 - 1776)
Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Sugar refinery's store-book (1768 - 1776)
Rentekammeret Danske Kammer, 3. Bureau |
Register of Latin sea passes (1771 - 1773)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Average Adjuster on St. Thomas |
Journal (1855 - 1905)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Average Adjuster on St. Thomas |
Register of average ajudgements (1855 - 1905)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Abstract of St. Thomas' ledgers concerning debtors on St. Croix (1735 - 1740)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Account journal (1744 - 1744)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Account journals (1742 - 1750)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Annotations to and receipts for general and subsidiary ledgers from St. Croix. (1741 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Balance books for St. Croix (1741 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Census lists and land registers for St. Croix (1741 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Census lists and other documents concerning the establishing of plantations (1736 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Index of abstract of ledger (1740 - 1740)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Index to ledger (1741 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Index to pay book for St. Croix (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Interim journal, kept at St. Croix, concerning the circulating capital's good (1747 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Interim ledger, kept at St. Croix, concerning the circulating capital's shipped out goods (1747 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Journal, kept at Croix (1741 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Land lists for St. Croix (1742 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Ledger, kept at St. Croix (1741 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Lists of debt (1740 - 1748)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Pay book for St. Croix (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Croix: The Bookkeeper |
Pay books (1745 - 1751)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Annotations and receipts for general and subsidiary ledgers from St. Thomas (1707 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Arrears register for St. Thomas and St. John (1735 - 1735)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Balance books for St. Thomas etc. (1725 - 1749)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Cost account for St. John (1718 - 1725)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Cost books for St. Thomas (1710 - 1715)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Distillery and plantation book (1691 - 1694)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Draft ledger, kept at St. Thomas (1717 - 1722)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
General interest book (1707 - 1729)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Index to arrears register (1735 - 1735)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Index to draft ledger (1722 - 1722)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Index to general interest book (1707 - 1729)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Index to ledger (1688 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Index to liquidation book (1726 - 1726)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Index to pay books (1686 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Journal, kept at St. Thomas (1688 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Ledger, kept at St. Thomas (1688 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Liquidation book of Company debtors and creditors on St. Thomas (1726 - 1726)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
List of debtors at St. Thomas and St. John (1728 - 1745)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Memorandum books (1688 - 1693)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Miscellaneous accounts and vouchers from St. Thomas (1686 - 1696)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Muster rolls of functionaries and soldiers at St. Thomas (1710 - 1715)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Particular accounts concerning small Company vessels at St. Thomas (1688 - 1710)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Particular accounts of Christiansfort and Frederiksfort at St. Thomas (1688 - 1710)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Particular accounts of Company plantations at St. Thomas (1686 - 1710)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Pay book for St. Croix (1734 - 1736)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from St. Thomas and St. John: The Bookkeeper |
Pay books for St. Thomas and St. John (1686 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Abstracted trade journals from Guinea (1747 - 1749)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Abstracted trade ledgers (1724 - 1727)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Abstracted trade ledgers from Guinea (1747 - 1749)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Accoutrement books from Guinea (1752 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Cash books from Guinea (1703 - 1728)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Census and pay books from Guinea (1703 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Cost ledgers from Guinea (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Debt books (1723 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Furniture, fixtures, fittings and consumption books from Guinea (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Index to census and pay books (1703 - 1728)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Index to debt books (1723 - 1750)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Index to trade ledger (1698 - 1730)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Journal and ledger of the sale of captain Sejerøe's cargo in Guinea (1746 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Passbooks (1750 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Rejoinders to the auditors' annotations to Guinean accounts (1745 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Trade journal from Guinea (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Accounts from the Guinea Coast: The Bookkeeper |
Trade ledger from Guinea (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Administration of decedent estates of Company functionaries at St. Croix (1734 - 1751)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Administration of decedent estates of inhabitants of St. Thomas (1689 - 1701)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Administration of the decedent estates of Company functionaries at St. Thomas and St. John (1705 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
American and African copybooks (1703 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Annotations for ships' accounts (1727 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Applications etc. (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Archival registers, document catalogues and old covers (1658 - 1680)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Board of Directors' minute book and minute book of general meetings (1697 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Book of instructions and commissions (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Book of orders, instructions and commissions (1698 - 1748)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Book of orders, instructions and commissions regarding Guinea (1680 - 1746)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Book of participants' resolutions (1675 - 1690)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Calculations of Company affairs etc. (1671 - 1750)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Calculations of interest, subsidies and dividends (1673 - 1673)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Calculations of slaves sold at St. Thomas (1724 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Charter parties, freight estimates with correspondence, reports and votes (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Charters, by-laws and other special ordinances and directions (1671 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copies of general dispatches and attatchments (1752 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copy of charter and regulation (1671 - 1671)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybook B of instructions and contracts (1682 - 1684)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybook of charters and privileges (1732 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybook of director, privy councillor Matthias Moth's letters concerning Company business (1708 - 1718)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybook of instructions for shipmasters (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybook of instructions, commissions, sales contracts and deeds of conveyance (1671 - 1690)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybook of miscellaneous documents concerning the acquisition of St. Croix, relations with Puerto Rico etc. (1733 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybook, kept by the Company's Copenhagen office (1690 - 1713)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybooks of certificates of customs-duty exemption (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybooks of debentures and other authorisations (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybooks of European missives (1703 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Copybooks of petitions (1698 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Court records from Guinea (1717 - 1746)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Court records from the West Indies (1709 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents and accounts of the Company's linen manufacture (1738 - 1743)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents concerning Company premises and real property in Copenhagen (1673 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents concerning Company sale of goods on St. Thomas (1733 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents concerning minting performed for the Company (1701 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents concerning the commission of November 9, 1726 concerning a possible merger between the East India and West India Companies (1726 - 1727)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents concerning the Company's settlement with the King (1682 - 1710)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents concerning the Crown's acquisition of Company rights and real property (1753 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents concerning the exchange of shares 1734 after the acquisition of St. Croix and the merger between the sugar refinery and the Company (1687 - 1687)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents concerning voyages to the West Indies and Guinea (1671 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents in the case of Crommelin vs. the Company (1711 - 1744)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents regarding miscellaneous legal actions in Copenhagen (1674 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Documents regarding the raising and payment of the share capital (1671 - 1689)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Draft letters to St. Thomas and Guinea (1677 - 1726)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
European letter copybook (1682 - 1690)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
European letters and documents (1673 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Files concerning the Guinea Coast (1659 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Files concerning the pay regulations of officers in Guinea and West India (1735 - 1735)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Files concerning West India (1664 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Form book (1682 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Governor Michel Crone and his half-brother Knud Helmer's decedent estates (1713 - 1737)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Guinean registers and sales registers (1699 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Incoming and outgoing letters and documents (1624 - 1681)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Incoming letters from factors at Elsinore (1706 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Incoming letters from various foreign factors and correspondents (1712 - 1750)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Index to American and African copybook (1703 - 1717)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Index to copybook B of instructions and contracts (1682 - 1684)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Index to copybooks of European missives (1703 - 1722)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Information about accession and retiring of Company directors and major participants (1690 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Invoices for cargoes to and from the West Indies (1690 - 1728)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Jørgen Iversen's documents on the inhabitants of St. Thomas (1672 - 1680)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letter copybook for Guinea, St. Thomas and Europe (1698 - 1702)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letter copybooks (1671 - 1690)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters and documents concerning inheritance and settlement of estates left by persons who had died in the West Indies (1671 - 1671)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters and documents concerning inheritance and settlement of property left by sailors who had died in the Company's service (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters and documents concerning the administration and settlement of decedent estates of Company functionaries in Guinea (1680 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters and documents concerning the administration of the decedent estates of sugar refinery functionaries (1734 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters and documents from Guinea (1683 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters and documents from the West Indies (1674 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters and documents regarding West Indian cases in the Company Court with counsellor Hans Scavenius acting as counsel and his conduct as spokesman for the colonists (1723 - 1735)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters concerning private trade at St. Thomas, started by the sugar refinery (1741 - 1746)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters of administration and other documents concerning deceased inhabitants of St. Thomas (1726 - 1751)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Letters, Board of Directors' resolutions and specifications concerning Company capital (1701 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Lists of applicants (1752 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Lists of letters and documents (1680 - 1681)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Marketing estimates from St. Thomas concerning duck swatches and other goods sent out (1737 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Minting register (1740 - 1748)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Minute book of general meetings (1741 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Miscellanea (1670 - 1710)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Miscellanea concerning Company ships (1682 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Participants' resolutions (1680 - 1713)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Particular copybook of correspondence (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Printed matters (1686 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Private persons' shipping to the West Indies and Guinea, and the Company's expansion 1747 (1743 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Probate letter for the estate of planter Willem Vessup at St. Thomas (1732 - 1740)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Proposals and other documents concerning participants' assemblies and general meetings (1730 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Provisions and consumption account for sloop "Mercurius" (1753 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Records and votes (1699 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Regarding Governor Jørgen Iversen's estate (1679 - 1684)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Reports concerning probates and the administration of West Indian decedent estates, 1733-1739 (1736 - 1740)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Reports on the work of field and skilled Company slaves (1751 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Share transfers and accompanying documents of title (1675 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Ship's logs etc. from the "Mercurius" on the Guinea Coast (1752 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Table of contents for Board of Directors' minute book B (1680 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Table of contents for book of instructions and commissions (1698 - 1717)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Table of contents to the probate letter for the estate of planter Willem Vessup at St. Thomas (1732 - 1740)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
The Company's guardianship of Friderich Jensen Grundt from St. Thomas (1739 - 1744)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
The West India and Guinea Company's and the sugar refrinary's shares and bills of lading converted into government bonds (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, Board of Directors |
Treasurer Joh. Fr. Dahlen's debts and arrest (1748 - 1751)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Account book concerning capital raised against debentures (1731 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Accounting miscellanea (1673 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Advertisement copybooks (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Arrears book (1734 - 1737)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Attatchments to the trade journals (1688 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Auction book (1673 - 1689)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Auction book of rigging and gold sold (1722 - 1744)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Auction book, kept by the bookkeeper (1697 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Auction book, kept by the commissioner of public sales (1702 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Balance book (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Bookkeeper's copybook (1708 - 1772)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Cash book (1702 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Copybook of foreign accounts (1708 - 1714)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Copybook of interest calculations (1708 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Copybook of transires and dock passes (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Copybook of warehouse and freight accounts (1751 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Copybooks of auction and customs accounts (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Cost book (1682 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Daybook, letter B (1675 - 1679)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
General alphabet of functionaries employed according to the pay books (1697 - 1762)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Index to ledger of shareholder's funds (1696 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Index to the trade ledger (1697 - 1707)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Invoice books (1696 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Journal of shareholders' funds (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Ledger of shareholder´s funds (1688 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Return book (1673 - 1677)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Trade journal (1671 - 1750)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Trade ledger (1671 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Bookkeeper and treasurer |
Transcript of trade journal (1702 - 1704)
The West India and Guinea Company, Charles Barrington |
Documents concerning Charles Barrington's expedition to Madagascar onboard the "Grevinden af Laurwigen" (1737 - 1742)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital |
Balance book A of circulating capital (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital |
Cash books of circulating capital (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital |
Index to ledger (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital |
Journals of circulating capital (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, Copenhagen: Circulating Capital |
Ledger of circulating capital (1747 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Croix Government |
Abstracts of letters received from the West India and Guinea Company (1744 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Croix Government |
Books of title deeds for St. Croix (1734 - 1750)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Croix Government |
Letter, order and proclamation books for St. Croix (1737 - 1744)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Croix Government |
Regulations and orders to the Governments from the West India and Guinea Company (1733 - 1749)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Croix Government |
Report books and reports from St. Croix (1735 - 1740)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Croix: The Secret Council |
Copybook concerning the Secret Council (1744 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Croix: The Secret Council |
Secret minute books, kept at St. Croix (1744 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Abstracts of letters received from the West India and Guinea Company (1741 - 1743)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Accounts from the time of Adolph Esmit's governorship (1671 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Accounts from the time of Nicolas Esmit's governorship (1680 - 1683)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Book of guardianships (1733 - 1734)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Book of title deeds for St. Thomas (1676 - 1684)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Book of wills (1733 - 1735)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Books of receipts and certificates, kept at St. Thomas (1688 - 1704)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Cargo books, kept at St. Thomas (1681 - 1686)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Copy, order and proclamation books (1702 - 1736)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Copybook concerning letters received from the Board of Directors of the West India and Guinea Company (1723 - 1731)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Copybook concerning letters sent to foreign governors (1741 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Copybook concerning royal ordinances and orders (1683 - 1743)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Copybooks (1687 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Copybooks concerning letters sent to the Board of Directors of the West India and Guinea Company (1733 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Copybooks, kept at St. Thomas (1686 - 1709)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Copybooks, letters to Europe (1695 - 1705)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Day-books, report books (1689 - 1723)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Governor Jørgen Iversen's account books (1671 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Index to book of guardianships (1733 - 1734)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Journals of St. Thomas (1680 - 1714)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
List of contents of Governor Jørgen Iversen's account books (1671 - 1682)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Order, letter and proclamation books for St. Thomas and St. John (1724 - 1740)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Ordinance for the Land Militia on St. Thomas (1693 - 1693)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Ordinances issued by Governor Adolph Esmit and the council (1683 - 1683)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Proclamation books from St. Thomas (1688 - 1736)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Register of wills etc. (1720 - 1744)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Registers concerning passports, certificates, citizenships, etc. (1710 - 1712)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Regulations for the soldiers (1683 - 1683)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Report books and reports from St. John (1734 - 1742)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Report books from St. Thomas (1723 - 1741)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Title deeds from St. Thomas and St. John (1688 - 1721)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Various letter copybooks from St. Thomas (1673 - 1735)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
West Indian inventories (1680 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John Government |
Vice Governor Christopher Heins' copybook (1689 - 1689)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John: The Secret Council |
Attatchments to secret minute book (1737 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John: The Secret Council |
Compendiums of resolutions in secret minute books, kept at St. Thomas (1723 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John: The Secret Council |
Court records of the secret council of St. Thomas (1703 - 1711)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John: The Secret Council |
Register of proceedings (1703 - 1749)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John: The Secret Council |
Registers of requests and resolutions (1710 - 1744)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John: The Secret Council |
Registers of requests and resolutions (1733 - 1735)
The West India and Guinea Company, St. Thomas and St. John: The Secret Council |
Secret minute books, kept at St. Thomas (1703 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Governor's Council, St. Thomas and St. John |
General registers (1672 - 1703)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Governor's Council, St. Thomas and St. John |
General registers (1688 - 1703)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Special Court in the case against former Governor Frans Boye |
Court register, kept at Fort Christiansborg (1717 - 1718)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Correspondence concerning sugar delivery to Pelt and Weyse (1733 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Documents concerning construction of sugar refineries in Altona, Flensburg, Norway and the Danish provinces (1737 - 1753)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Documents concerning import and delivery of raw sugar to the refineries ect. (1730 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Documents concerning the claims from C. A. Plessen and Fr. Holmsted of delivered sugar on St. Croix (1749 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Documents concerning the establishment of the Company's sugar refinery (1728 - 1738)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Documents concerning the trade of refined sugar and syrup (1733 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Drawings and documents concerning the buildings and estate of The Sugar Refinery (1728 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Index to The Sugar Refinery's copybook (1745 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Miscellanea concerning the refinery (1751 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Reciepts from the Company's major participants (1753 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
Register of The Sugar Refinery (1728 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
The Sugar Refinery's balance books (1730 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
The Sugar Refinery's copybook (1729 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Sugar Refinery |
The Sugar Refinery's ledger, letter C (1751 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix |
Abstract of book of duties (1745 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix |
Auction book (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix |
Book of duties (1741 - 1747)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix |
Cash book (1735 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix |
Index of goods for the merchant book (1744 - 1752)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix |
Merchant book (1741 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Croix |
Weighmaster's books, kept at St. Croix (1746 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Alphabetical index of goods for the merchant book (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Auction book, kept at St. John (1739 - 1739)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Auction books, kept at St. Thomas (1709 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Books of duties, kept at St. Thomas (1708 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Books of receipts and expenses of the warehouse at St. Thomas (1727 - 1734)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Cash book (1694 - 1754)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Custom-house copybook (1731 - 1732)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Index of Weighmaster's book (1727 - 1733)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Index to books of receipts and expenses (1727 - 1734)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Invoices of goods purchased by the government (1723 - 1724)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Ledger of incoming and distributed provisions (1691 - 1692)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Merchant book, kept at St. Thomas (1734 - 1755)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Warehouse book, kept at St. Thomas (1723 - 1723)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Weighmaster's book, kept at St. Thomas (1691 - 1694)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Weighmaster's book, kept at St. Thomas (1692 - 1694)
The West India and Guinea Company, The Treasurer and the Merchant, St. Thomas and St. John |
Weighmaster's book, kept at St. Thomas (1727 - 1733)
The West India Debt Liquidation Directorate, West Indian Debt Liquidation Commission on St. Croix |
Files concerning invoices transferred by the commercial house of Selby, Dungan, and Thompson (1786 - 1792)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
"Hercules": Notes for account books (1806 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
"Lucie Emerenze": Files concerning a voyage to East India (1784 - 1791)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
"Lucie Emerenze: Files concerning a voyage to West India (1781 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
"St. Thomas": Cash book of expenses (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
"St. Thomas": Invoice book for the cargo (1783 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
"St. Thomas": Journal kebt by captain C. Dircksen (1784 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
"St. Thomas": Surgeon's journal (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Abstract book of West Indian correspondence (1780 - 1821)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Account book of debtors in the provinces (1782 - 1817)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Account journal (1786 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Account journal (1788 - 1789)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Account journal for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Accounts etc. concerning various ships (1780 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Attachments to the ledgers of the shareholders (1779 - 1780)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Auction book for "Hercules" (1802 - 1802)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Auction catalogues (1781 - 1816)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Audit annotations and resolutions (1784 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Audit files concerning "Schack-Rathlou" and other ships (1788 - 1788)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Balances of creditors in the provinces (1782 - 1815)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Book of inland bills of exchange (1799 - 1815)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Book of receipts of proceeds (1781 - 1782)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Book of various debtors (1801 - 1810)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Cash book for "Hercules" (1799 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Cash book for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Coffee balances (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Coffee book (1811 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Coffee stock book (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Coffee stock book (1778 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Consumption account for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Consumption accounts for "Hercules" (1803 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Copenhagen copybook (1785 - 1823)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Copenhagen passes (1779 - 1814)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Copenhagen price currents (1813 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Copybook of bills of exchange (1780 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Current account book (1778 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Debt lists of debtors in the provinces (1783 - 1788)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Deeds of ships (1781 - 1799)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Draft to ledger for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Duplicates of Councillor of State Heinrich's letters from St. Thomas (1779 - 1780)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Duplicates of incoming letters from the West Indies (1779 - 1796)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Embarkment notes (1779 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
European copy book (1778 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
European records (1778 - 1824)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Files concerning debtors (1781 - 1811)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Foreign book of bills of exchange (1799 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
French copy book (1780 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
General inventory (1807 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
General register of the company archive (1778 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Hamburg import lists (1801 - 1811)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Incoming files (1778 - 1816)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Incoming letters from the West Indies (1784 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to account book of debtors in the provinces (1782 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to book of various debtors (1801 - 1810)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to Copenhagen copybook (1785 - 1823)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to current account book (1778 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to draft to ledger for "St Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to European copybook (1778 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to French copybook (1780 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to ledger (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to ledger (1787 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to ledger for "Hercules" (1803 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to ledger for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to ledger for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to ledger of the shareholders (1778 - 1782)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to pay book for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to province copybook (1780 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to summary of letters (1784 - 1784)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Index to West Indian letter copybook (1778 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Inventories of ships (1786 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Invoice book for "Hercules" (1799 - 1799)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Invoice copybook for "Lucie Emerenze" (1785 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Invoice for coffee purchases (1797 - 1797)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Journal kept by the ship's assistant onboard "Heinrich Carl" (1783 - 1784)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Ledger (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Ledger (1787 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Ledger for "Hercules" (1799 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Ledger for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Ledger for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Ledger of the shareholders (1778 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letter copybook for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letter copybook for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts ect. concerning "St. Thomas" (1781 - 1800)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Die Einigkeit" (1803 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Emilia" (1781 - 1793)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Geheimeraad Guldberg" (1782 - 1788)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Generalinde Schimmelmann" (1782 - 1792)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Generalmajor Schimmelmann" (1782 - 1789)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Heinrich Carl" (1782 - 1789)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Hercules" (1798 - 1805)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Prins Friderich" (1781 - 1792)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Letters and accounts etc. concerning "Øllegaard Charlotte" (1781 - 1789)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
List of bonds (1786 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
List of customs revenue from St. Thomas and St. John (1815 - 1817)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
List of drafts and remittances (1779 - 1781)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Lists of incoming loads (1778 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Lists of incoming ships from the West Indies (1778 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Load and unload lists etc. (1783 - 1790)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Marine insurance policies (1778 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Miscellaneous accounts (1780 - 1816)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Miscellaneous concerning Norwegian debitors (1806 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Miscellaneous debtors in the provinces until June 1782 (1782 - 1782)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Miscellaneous price currents and other reports on trade (1797 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Miscellaneous resolutions and drafts of the directorate (1781 - 1782)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Miscellaneous trials ect. (1785 - 1818)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Nautical journal for "Printz Frederichs Haab" (1781 - 1781)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Nautical journal for the brig "Friderica Louise" (1784 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Oresund lists (1802 - 1803)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Pay book for "Hercules" (1803 - 1807)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Pay book for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Pay book for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Pay book for "Øllegaard Charlotte" (1784 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Province copybook (1780 - 1819)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Register of proceedings and resolutions of the directorate (1778 - 1824)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Registers of inventory for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1786)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Registers of inventory for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Registration book for shareholders (1778 - 1778)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Shares (1778 - 1783)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Ship's register for "Lucie Emerenze" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Ship's register for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Summary of letters (1778 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Supply accounts for "Hercules" (1800 - 1802)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
The New London Price Current (1797 - 1804)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Trade book and copybook for "Hercules" (1800 - 1806)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Trade book for "Lucie Emerenze" (1784 - 1785)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Trade journal for "St. Thomas" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
Trade memorandum for "Lucie Emerence" (1783 - 1787)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
West Indian draft letters (1779 - 1781)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
West Indian letter copybook (1778 - 1820)
The West India Trading Compagny, Copenhagen Branch |
West Indian records (1778 - 1820)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Account journal (1792 - 1806)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Balance of current account book (1783 - 1783)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Balances to the ledgers (1779 - 1786)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Cash book for the realization of the trading company (1790 - 1798)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Commissioner Stoud's reply to the administration's questions (1786 - 1788)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Copies of letters from the directorate (1779 - 1784)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Copy of ledger for the ship "Malleville" (1797 - 1797)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Copybook of letters recieved ect. (1797 - 1802)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Copybook of letters sent (1778 - 1806)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Correspondence between the administration and chancellor Stoud (1786 - 1790)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Correspondence etc. concerning the travels of J.C. Westphalen (1783 - 1784)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Correspondence etc. concerning various commercial houses (1781 - 1790)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Current account book (1780 - 1786)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Current account book (1782 - 1784)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Incoming letters to the administration (1780 - 1806)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Index to copybook of letters sent (1783 - 1790)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Index to current account book (1780 - 1785)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Index to current account book (1783 - 1784)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Index to ledger (1783 - 1818)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Index to ledger, 2. series (1792 - 1815)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Index to trade ledger (1783 - 1790)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Invoice- and account book for the ship "Malleville" (1797 - 1797)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Ledger (1779 - 1818)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Ledger for the ship "Malleville" (1797 - 1797)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Ledger, 2. series (1792 - 1818)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
List of debtors (1788 - 1791)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Miscellaneous drafts and other records (1782 - 1789)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Miscellaneous files concerning matters of accountancy (1781 - 1787)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Papers found in administrator Ehlers estate (1786 - 1786)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Records and accounts concerning an expedition to Guinea (1785 - 1786)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Records to miscellaneous trials (1783 - 1788)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Register of correspondence (1791 - 1821)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Register of deliberations (1779 - 1790)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Stock book (1781 - 1783)
The West India Trading Company, St. Thomas Branch |
Trade ledger (1783 - 1790)
West Indian Government |
Abstracts of letters received from the Chamber, journals (1755 - 1848)
West Indian Government |
Files relating to register of correspondence, series C (1802 - 1807)
West Indian Government |
Letters received from the Chamber of Customs (1755 - 1848)
West Indian Government, Commission concerning inadmissible trade |
Register of proceedings (1759 - 1759)
West Indian Government, Commission concerning rum shops, 1883 |
Files (1799 - 1883)