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Police, jails and fire service (West Indies)

Archive Contents
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Accounts of the St. John and St. Thomas Police Fund (1865 - 1868)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Militia and fire brigade (1851 - 1907)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Police accoutrements (1866 - 1902)
Central Directorate for the Colonies, The Colonial Office Prisons and prison system (1848 - 1905)
Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Office West Indian journal files: Miscellanea (1772 - 1850)
Chamber of Revenue, Danish Department, West India and Guinea Office Announed royal resolution concerning the legal system, the police, the clergy and the trade in the Danish colonies in America and at the coast of Guinea (1755 - 1755)
Fire Commission in Christiansted Registers of proceedings (1818 - 1846)
Government-General Copybooks, series B (1829 - 1849)
Government-General Files relating to register of correspondence, series B (1821 - 1848)
Government-General Registers of correspondence, series B, journal (1820 - 1848)
Government-General Reports from Christiansted Police office (1776 - 1787)
Government-General Reports from Frederiksted Police office (1776 - 1787)
Sheriff of Christiansted Abstract of indexes to registers of mortgage (1788 - 1795)
Sheriff of Christiansted Abstracts of administration of estates of burghers and planters  (1812 - 1822)
Sheriff of Christiansted Abstracts of Probate Court records (1800 - 1855)
Sheriff of Christiansted Account journals of Clerk's accounts (1775 - 1778)
Sheriff of Christiansted Adjudicated cases (1746 - 1849)
Sheriff of Christiansted Alphabetcial indexes to copies of probate letters (1800 - 1855)
Sheriff of Christiansted Annotations to Sheriff's accounts (1781 - 1785)
Sheriff of Christiansted Applications (1810 - 1815)
Sheriff of Christiansted Arbitration proceedings of the Special Court (1799 - 1860)
Sheriff of Christiansted Arrestantregister (1855 - 1899)
Sheriff of Christiansted Arrestjournal (1875 - 1897)
Sheriff of Christiansted Auction book (1736 - 1913)
Sheriff of Christiansted Bytingsprotokol for underdommerembedet (1907 - 1911)
Sheriff of Christiansted Case papers of the Probate Court in alphabetical order (1847 - 1889)
Sheriff of Christiansted Case papers of the Probate Court, individuals (1748 - 1857)
Sheriff of Christiansted Cases of attachment and enforcement  (1758 - 1822)
Sheriff of Christiansted Cash book of Christiansted Probate Court (1814 - 1819)
Sheriff of Christiansted Chronological list of probated estates (1781 - 1843)
Sheriff of Christiansted Copies of miscellaneous probate letters (1835 - 1868)
Sheriff of Christiansted Copies of probate letters in chronological order (1800 - 1855)
Sheriff of Christiansted Declarations by executors (1810 - 1814)
Sheriff of Christiansted Director of auctions' ledger concerning fees received (1822 - 1832)
Sheriff of Christiansted Files concerning undivided estates  (1802 - 1849)
Sheriff of Christiansted Files relating to the abstracts of Probate Court records (1800 - 1847)
Sheriff of Christiansted Final settlements of probates (1800 - 1887)
Sheriff of Christiansted Incoming files (1783 - 1786)
Sheriff of Christiansted Index to Sheriff's registers (1807 - 1816)
Sheriff of Christiansted Index to the abstracts of Probate Court records, letters A-D  (1841 - 1841)
Sheriff of Christiansted Indexes to the registers of mortgages (1765 - 1855)
Sheriff of Christiansted Journal (1857 - 1859)
Sheriff of Christiansted Journal over indkomne skrivelser (1854 - 1857)
Sheriff of Christiansted Journal over tinglæste dokumenter (1868 - 1879)
Sheriff of Christiansted Kopibog (1891 - 1901)
Sheriff of Christiansted List of files relating to the records of the Special Court (1827 - 1830)
Sheriff of Christiansted List of proclamations, royal ordinances etc. (1757 - 1821)
Sheriff of Christiansted List of pronounced sentences (1813 - 1817)
Sheriff of Christiansted List of sentences  (1876 - 1882)
Sheriff of Christiansted Lists of the registers of inventories and appraisals (1843 - 1878)
Sheriff of Christiansted Miscellaneous court cases (1761 - 1821)
Sheriff of Christiansted Miscellaneous files concerning conciliation (1761 - 1824)
Sheriff of Christiansted Miscellaneous files concerning probate matters (1805 - 1870)
Sheriff of Christiansted Miscellaneous files for Notary Public (1761 - 1764)
Sheriff of Christiansted Miscellaneous lists and indexes (1766 - 1800)
Sheriff of Christiansted Notarial registers (1746 - 1884)
Sheriff of Christiansted Notifications of deaths to the Probate Court (1803 - 1847)
Sheriff of Christiansted Perquisites journals of the Clerk and Notary Public (1829 - 1847)
Sheriff of Christiansted Police journals (1798 - 1846)
Sheriff of Christiansted Police Master's perquisites journals (1822 - 1845)
Sheriff of Christiansted Police office's copybooks (1826 - 1855)
Sheriff of Christiansted Police office's journals (1826 - 1841)
Sheriff of Christiansted Police office's records of arriving and departing persons (1794 - 1847)
Sheriff of Christiansted Politikammerets kontraktbog (1903 - 1920)
Sheriff of Christiansted Politikammerets referatprotokol (1892 - 1903)
Sheriff of Christiansted Politiretsprotokol for private sager (1901 - 1920)
Sheriff of Christiansted Privateer cases (1805 - 1806)
Sheriff of Christiansted Probate Administrator's copybooks concerning estates (1812 - 1832)
Sheriff of Christiansted Probate Administrator's correspondence (1805 - 1827)
Sheriff of Christiansted Probate Administrator's general copybook (1803 - 1807)
Sheriff of Christiansted Probate Administrator's perquisites journals  (1831 - 1842)
Sheriff of Christiansted Probate Court records of proceedings concerning burghers and planters (1747 - 1886)
Sheriff of Christiansted Probate Court records of proceedings concerning civil servants  (1759 - 1863)
Sheriff of Christiansted Probate Court records of proceedings concerning non-commissioned officers, private soldiers, servants, unemployed persons, and free blacks  (1781 - 1833)
Sheriff of Christiansted Probate Court's current account with the Burgher Council  (1800 - 1841)
Sheriff of Christiansted Probates (1817 - 1887)
Sheriff of Christiansted Protokol over handlende, slagtere, bagere samt ejere af heste og vogne (1874 - 1877)
Sheriff of Christiansted Rapportbog for politivagten i Christiansværns Fort (1909 - 1910)
Sheriff of Christiansted Records of the Police Court (1756 - 1892)
Sheriff of Christiansted Records of the Special Court (1804 - 1869)
Sheriff of Christiansted Records of the Town Court (1734 - 1921)
Sheriff of Christiansted Records of the Travelling Court (1758 - 1810)
Sheriff of Christiansted Register concerning issue of passports, burgher certificates, and licences (1755 - 1779)
Sheriff of Christiansted Register of probate letters concerning non-commissioned officers, private soldiers, servants, unemployed persons, and free blacks (1786 - 1792)
Sheriff of Christiansted Register of settled accounts (1822 - 1867)
Sheriff of Christiansted Register of wills etc. (1740 - 1845)
Sheriff of Christiansted Register til domprotokol (1914 - 1917)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers concerning statutory collection of tax arrears (1818 - 1855)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of arbitration for the Arbitration Commission (1799 - 1813)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of criminal cases  (1811 - 1892)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of inventories and appraisals concerning all ranks and classes  (1800 - 1878)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of inventories and appraisals concerning burghers and planters (1747 - 1799)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of inventories and appraisals concerning civil servants  (1755 - 1800)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of inventories and appraisals concerning non-commissioned officers, private soldiers, servants and others (1782 - 1798)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of mortgages  (1736 - 1844)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of probate letters concerning burghers and planters (1736 - 1790)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of probate letters concerning civil servants  (1734 - 1797)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of sentences (1756 - 1887)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of sentences issued by the Police Court (1849 - 1910)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of sentences issued in criminal cases (1868 - 1892)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of sworn testimony (1758 - 1845)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of the Arbitration Commission (1763 - 1903)
Sheriff of Christiansted Registers of the Debt Commission (1755 - 1827)
Sheriff of Christiansted Report concerning public prosecution and cases for which free legal aid had been granted (1823 - 1835)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sagliste (1884 - 1916)
Sheriff of Christiansted Separate index to registers of mortgages, letters H-W (1801 - 1801)
Sheriff of Christiansted Settled estates (case papers of the Probate Court) in chronological order (1848 - 1887)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sheriff's copybooks (1838 - 1848)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sheriff's files (1755 - 1800)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sheriff's Office archives (1756 - 1828)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sheriff's perquisites journals  (1822 - 1847)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sheriff's register (1818 - 1828)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sheriff's register of the Land Treasury's expenses concerning prisoners (1824 - 1826)
Sheriff of Christiansted Sheriff's registers (1744 - 1896)
Sheriff of Christiansted Skifterettens hovedbog (1879 - 1905)
Sheriff of Christiansted Skifterettens kopibog (1881 - 1887)
Sheriff of Christiansted Skiftesagliste (1877 - 1887)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Account book concerning perquisites (1825 - 1855)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Account books (1820 - 1846)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office External records of the Police Court (1869 - 1894)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Index to register of correspondence (1858 - 1860)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Indexes of names and subjects for the police journal (1836 - 1838)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office List of the records of the Police Court (1854 - 1898)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office List of the records of the Police Court concerning private cases (1859 - 1883)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Police journals (1804 - 1891)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Police office files (1815 - 1849)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Records of the Police Court (1788 - 1896)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Records of the Police Court concerning private cases (1832 - 1892)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Records relating to the registers of passports (1810 - 1885)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Register of notifications of births (1865 - 1868)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Registers concerning arriving individuals (1805 - 1899)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Registers of correspondence, journals (1860 - 1892)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Registers of debts (1852 - 1905)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Registers of passports for departing individuals (1810 - 1895)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Registers of sentences  (1849 - 1899)
Sheriff of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Police Office Registers of visaing of foreign individuals (1856 - 1873)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Cash book for the Judge, Clerk, Police Master, and Post Master (1869 - 1869)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Files concerning police and passport matters (1837 - 1848)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Files concerning the Police Court (1788 - 1836)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Files concerning the Police Station (1845 - 1850)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Journal for St. John Police Station (1844 - 1847)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Miscellaneous police cases (1829 - 1852)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Police journal for estate L'Esperance (1840 - 1840)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Police journals (1829 - 1892)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Records of the Police Court (1818 - 1918)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Report book for police patrols on St. John (1845 - 1847)
St. Thomas and St. John Government, Sheriff of St. John Statistical surveys of Police Court cases (1850 - 1850)
The Royal Government on the Guinea Coast, The Colony Frederiksted Debt book for the Colony Frederiksted (1793 - 1795)
West Indian Government Files relating to register of correspondence, series A  (1802 - 1811)
This contains information about the police, jails and the fire service in the Danish West Indies and includes cases concerning jails, those arrested, the police court, criminal cases and police cases.

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